Monday, June 05, 2006

Matt made it back safely from the mountains. It can be very dangerous in the rainy season because the rain washes the roads away. They have recently been exploring a new territory to plant a church. Once you´re in the mountains you come to this huge Indiana Jones river that you can´t cross by foot or boat so you have to grab on to this metal cable that runs about 6 feet above the decaying ¨bridge¨ and use only your hands to kind of monkey-bar across to the other side. OR if that sounds too scary you can hike a little further up the mountain and sit in a basket while some person pulleys you to the other side. Matt seems really excited about going but I think I might just stay at the base.
This week I am translating in the clinic for a dentist from Mississippi. He is a really nice man and is very gentle with the patients. I am loving this, I really think I want to be a nurse.
Also in the evenings I am teaching English to the worship leader of the Cacalote church. She is 21 and has the most amazing voice. It is easier for her to learn English when I write thing out. The other day I felt a little nervous when she asked me to spell ¨eight¨. It´s embarassing to teach English, nothing makes sense.
Dios les bendiga.


At 12:16 PM, Blogger Sheila said...

Jill, thanks for the updates. I think you are going to love nursing. Anatomy and Physiology are absolutley facinating if that is anything to go by...
Grace and peace to you.

At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were a teacher. Right on, girlfriend. (hee, hee)
i love you and i'm praying for you everyday.
your Bethany


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