Wednesday, August 02, 2006

blood, sweat, and Cheer

Spanish school is over! We had a month of intensive Spanish classes taught by our Korean teacher, Joe. It really was great getting to know the other students who came down just for the class. Matt's Spanish has improved tremendously and I am more confident when I speak. We all lived in a house in Cacalote for the month of July. There was a lime tree out back by the wash station so we made fresh squeezed limeade a lot. We even threw in some green oranges to make a drink we call 'limorangeade'. It was a tasty treat on those really hot, sticky days.

Lately we have been working on strengthening the correspondence that the base has with supporters in the States. We've been writing letters, mailing reminders, and designing new stationary. There are some groups coming in this week to prepare for as well.
Lee and Clay Morton, our friends from Fayetteville, were studying Spanish in Oaxaca City and they came down to visit the base. It was wonderful to have their company and share with them the awesome work that the base does.
A couple weekends ago, we were awakened with the news that the base had flooded. We had been living on the outskirts of the base for Spanish school so we fortunately weren't there when the waist deep waters invaded. It happened at night while it was raining. Part of the retaining wall broke and the nasty lagoon water came in. Everyone was really scared because they have seen snakes and alligators in that lagoon.
So anyway, we came to the base to help and it was terrible! The entire office building and the praise and worship building had flooded. We had to move out all of the furniture so that we could take out the carpet. And just like your favorite episode of Trading Spaces, when we pulled up the soppy carpet there was fabulous Mexican tile under it all!!
Everything was dry and back to normal in a few days and I think everyone realized that tile is much more practical than carpet.

There has been some tension at our church in Cacalote. Pastor Bartolo has been working full time at the base and taking care of his wife who has been very sick. He and his daughter, the worship leader, have seemed a little disappointed in their congregation. The other Sunday they scolded the people for not bringing their Bibles. Things are improving, though. Last week they had a box of Bibles ready for the ones who didn't bring one.
I'm still teaching English to Miriam. Our friend Socorro asked for help writing her thesis. She travels 9 hours to Oaxaca City each Saturday for classes. She will be studying English in Tulsa for a year starting in January. I can't wait to bring her to church at the Grove!

Matt and I have been experiencing the second phase of our culture shock. The first 2 month euphoric phase was great because everything was new and exciting; like cold showers, washing laundry by hand, and eggs and beans. Recently, however, the showers seem to be getting colder and it's just really hard to wash clothes by hand. The other day I couldn't even eat dinner. I was hungry, but I just couldn't do it. Matt had a similar experience a few days later. We are handling it gracefully and know that it's only temporary.
Please pray for us:
-pray that God will use me in whatever way I am needed here
-pray for financial blessings for the base
-pray for our church in Cacalote; that a strong leadership will emerge
-pray for joyful spirits in all situations

I love you all so much.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Sheila said...

Jill, thank you for the long awaited update. I am so glad you are able to be there and willing to do whatever work is before you. I pray for your continuation of loving service and for the work I know God is doing in your heart. Stay strong, lovely lady.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger whitney said...

I miss you girl! When I was in China and got sick of something cultural, God reminded me of you and how you're faithfully pressing on through all the inconveniences. I'm praying that you'll see how much it is worth it, and that God will bless you for your faithfulness. Your work for Him is beautiful!


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