Wednesday, January 09, 2008

back to bloggin'

Well, I'm back on the blog. Matt and I got married on December 16th and went to Disney World for our honeymoon! We had a blast. There was even an exhibit in Epcot on Oaxaca! The exhibit was about the brightly colored, hand-carved wood animals that Oaxaca is famous for. Outside we took a picture with Donaldo.
Our wedding was perfect, it was everything we wanted. The chapel was beautiful and all our friends and family were there. We had some touches of Mexico at the reception with bottled Mexican sodas and Mexican food. We loved every second of it. It really was the perfect day. Now I've moved in to Matt's apartment and we're getting our lives meshed together and we love it. We feel like kings now that we have a blender and breadmaker and other appliances we've never owned before. We really have everything we need.
Matt will finish his last semester of school for his MBA this spring and I am starting my third semester of nursing school. We didn't have any new year's resolutions but we did decide to read the Bible in a year, which neither of us has done before. So far it's going well and we love reading and learning together. Life is good.